
Our company

Tonelería Duero


We are experts in manufacturing of oak barrels and vats of different sizes. Over 20 years we have been working in the national and international market supplying best wineries in Spain and abroad. Cooperage Duero is the number one in Ribera del Duero region specializing in 225 litres barrels manufacturing.

Our barrels are one of the key elements to create a great wine from any grape or other drinks, which composes the brand of the producer. Our mission is to implement the latest trends in cooperage and service our clients by offering tailor-made solutions. Our experienced and enthusiastic team of professionals is always ready for new projects and collaborations using our best facilities and equipment. We are always passionate to introduce new techniques of barrel fabrication to perform the best results in our work.




In 2017 we moved to our new premises in Aranda de Duero on the bank of river Duero. Our cooperage has received a new industrial warehouse and Wood Drying Park with more than 3000 square metres of space.

Our factory is designed considering latest technologies to be able to provide exceptional quality of our barrels. Moreover, our privileged location allows us to take an advantage of the river natural moisture to provide the most natural maturing process of the oak wood. This perfect location allows our future staves to dry in a slow manner  developing the elegant aromatic tones.




We take special care during the selection of the raw material for our barrels. Thus we carefully select our providers to get the best oak wood from the Centre of France, USA, Rumania, Hungary and Spain with ecological certificates. The wood is naturally dried for at least 24 months in our outdoor drying park. Upon the drying process oak wood passes extensive exhaustive selection and only after that it may be considered perfect for barrel staves production.




We are experts in manufacturing oak barrels and vats of large capacities. We are always ready to adapt to the needs of our client by offering  the specific type of oak wood and toasting across our wide range of products. All our barrels and vats pass through strict quality control before the delivery.
Our products comply with the most rigorous public health criteria according to the latest regulations.

We offer products at the wide range of prices, available for renting and tailored to financial abilities of each client.




We are desperate to satisfy our clients and to provide full support of our products.

We adhere the best quality of our products, services and careful attention to our clients.

The environment demands respect, protection, conservation and rehabilitation. That is why In Tonelería Duero we are performing the optimal environmental management, using the wood from the sustainable certificated forests, taking care of our environment and developing procedures to reduce our carbon footprint.

Committed to the needs of society, we collaborate with companies and institutions that protect the environment and sustainability of the rational use of forests.



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Del 14 hasta el 22 de septiembre 2024 estamos cerrados por fiestas patronales. Las preguntas y los pedidos se atenderán a partir del 23 de septiembre de 2024. ¡Nos veremos a la vuelta! ¡Felices Fiestas!